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How Often Should You Change Your Oil?

How Often Should You Change Your Oil? | McCall Motors CDJR in Ebensburg PA

Your safety on the Altoona streets depends on the health of your vehicle. In turn, the health of your vehicle stems from proper maintenance, which includes abiding by the appropriate oil change frequency for your car. So, how often should you change your oil? There are a few factors at play when it comes to oil change frequency, such as the type of oil your car requires, how you drive on the Johnstown roads, and the age of your vehicle. Learn more with McCall Motors!

Recommended Oil Change Frequency

New vehicles typically need their oil changed every 7,500 miles to 10,000 miles, or at least twice a year. However, if you participate in the following, you will likely need more frequent oil changes. Connect with the McCall Motors service experts for more advice.

  • Off-roading
  • Heavy towing
  • Racing
  • Commercial use

Oil Change Frequency Information

  • Below are a few additional oil change frequency tips so that you can maintain an optimal maintenance schedule for your vehicle.
  • Check your owner’s manual to determine whether your vehicle uses synthetic or conventional oil, as well as how often you should change your oil based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Make sure a new oil filter is installed with each oil change. Our parts center can assist you in getting the right oil filter for your car.

How Often Should You Check Your Oil Level?

Between oil changes, make sure that you are checking the oil level on your car at least once a month. This allows you to catch any leaks or changes in oil color and texture, so that you can address them at McCall Motors as soon as possible. Additionally, if your oil level is low, you will want to fill it up to the appropriate level.

Schedule Your Next Oil Change at McCall Motors

Schedule your next oil change at McCall Motors! Our technicians will take care of your routine maintenance like oil changes and tire rotations, as well as part replacement and repairs. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.